Saturday, May 1, 2010
I recently volunteered at the fundraiser for the Bloedel Conservatory, which has been under threat of closure by the City of Vancouver.
The Friends of the Bloedel have successfully delayed closure of the facility for now, but the threat of permanent loss as a green oasis is still very real. The Friends of the Bloedel are preparing an Expression of Interest for the Vancouver Park Board and are offering to work collaboratively with the Park Board in support of the Bloedel Conservatory for the following purposes:
1. To fundraise in support of the Bloedel Conservatory.
2. To provide marketing and public relations.
3. To improve revenue streams.
4. To develop and provide public programming and education.
5. To protect the legal interests.
6. To provide similar or related services as recommended by our membership and executive.
There is a current a fundraising drive with the goal of raising $250,000 by August 30, 2010.
Also, there will be a Silent Auction on Thursday, June 24, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Floral Hall at VanDusen. Hope to see you there!

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